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 In 1997 we were a handful of guys who were young enough to still want to play softball, and old enough that it was tough finding enough guys to actually have a game. A few beers later, OGSBA (the Old Guys Softball Association) was born! We play about 6 - 10 times each year between May and October. We pick teams each time we play, just like when we were kids. We play on Sundays. We play for fun. We play in Palatine. We don't slide unless girls are watching. We range in age from teenagers to seniors. We are always looking for more players. If you are "old-at-heart" enough to love the game of baseball, join OGSBA. And remember, what's important is not how old your bat is, but how often you swing it! -- Tom Cole (tom@ogsba.org)

bulletTo join, click here (it's free!)
bulletTo e-mail all members, everyone@ogsba.org


Nice follow-through!

old guys softball association

Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength which in the old days
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are,
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

                                         Alfred Lord Tennyson

    click on softball to see ogsba music video>


Go to OGSBA on FACEBOOK for more pix

 PIX from 6/27 on FACEBOOK!

Hello 2010!


Thanks, Scotty!

Remember . . . 
"that which we are,
we are,
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate,
but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find,
and not to yield."


. . . see you, next year,
on the field.


















Click here for more photos courtesy of Tom Cole.

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Revised Saturday, September 10, 2005.
For web site changes, write to editor@ogsba.org.

© Copyright 2005 Old Guys Softball Association. About this web site.




Wear the hat worn by Scott, the OGSBA legend, at last week's game! 
(click on any item to enter the OGSBA store)



August 16, 2009??   2 pm.  (based on e-mail response), 


   E-MAIL  everyone@ogsba.org
as to whether you'll be able to attend!
even if that e-mail is at the last minute
(gives us the chance to cancel if the turnout looks really crappy)


bulletOgsba games are played at Jane Addams School, in Winston Park subdvision, Palatine, Illinois.  
From Palatine Road: go north on Rohlwing, past three stop signs, to next street, Sayles (if you get to Palatine High, you went too far).  Take a right on Sayles.  Jane Addams school is on your left after two blocks.  Ball field is on the northeast corner of the schoolyard. 
From Rand Road:  Williams Drive is just a couple lights (about .5 mile) southeast of Dundee on Rand (there is a Speedway gas station on the corner). Go right, south, several stop signs to Jane Addams Dr.  Go right, the field is on your left.
bulletVERY Occasionally, some little leaguers think they have the right to play on our field. If so, there is another field on the other side of Jane Addams Dr. and several others in the area, so we relocate.  Our first choice is the field across the street, if that is occupied, we go south on Clark to Oak Park where there are several more ballfields.

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